About Us

About The University

The formation of the new state of Chhattisgarh on 1st November, 2000, was the realisation of a long cherished dream of the people of Chhattisgarh. The Government of Chhattisgarh wished to ensure all round development of the people of Chhattisgarh. It brought forth opportunities to understand the needs and expectations of the people. The State Government gave high priority to improve health care by ascertaining better availability and adequacy of services.

This included opening of new hospitals, dispensaries and clinics, appointing a good number of doctors and other staff. To improve the health care the state required a large number of qualified doctors to man the hospitals, dispensaries and clinics all over the state. With this view, the Government established new medical colleges in the state.

Since ages the people of Chhattisgarh have been benefited with the practice of various Indian systems of medicine and health care. However, the people have also adopted the modern system of medicine since last 150 years. The State Government acknowledged that not only the study of modern system medicine but also other traditions of medicine be encouraged and regulated.

And with a view to establishing and incorporating a teaching, research and affiliating university for the purpose of ensuring efficient and systematic education, training, research and development of Health sciences including Modern System of Medicine, Ayurved, Yoga and Naturopathy Unani, Siddha, Homoeopathy, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Public Health, The Ayush And Health Science University Of Chhattisgarh. Act, 2008 was enacted by the Chhattisgarh Legislature.

The University was established on 16th September, 2008. It has now been named Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Science and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh.